Battlefield Archaeology Research Team

Battlefield Archaeology Research Team is a specialised group within the foundation dedicated to encouraging interest in the archaeology of conflict. Members of the team – archaeologists, researchers, journalists, and historians – come from various countries, are specialists in their particular fields of expertise, and participate in and initiate international research projects directly connected with the history of warfare. Membership is by invitation only.
Latest news about our projects, as well as general information about various aspects of battlefield archaeology, can be found on our Facebook page:
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Igor Murawski - badacz historii, publicysta, tłumacz literacki, przewodnik. Uwielbia rozwiązywać historyczne i archeologiczne zagadki. Podróżując poszukuje zaginionych skarbów i zapomnianych przez ludzi i czas miejsc. Pracuje nad kilkoma projektami, łączącymi pasję do historii z eksploracją.